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    6 Surprising Reasons Why You Still Can’t Lose Weight

    It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

    No matter how many times you’ve started a diet it’s the same old result.

    You lose weight and then you gain it all back again, or worse, you weigh more than when you started.

    Then you start all over and look for another diet you hope will work.

    The problem is, there are so many diets and opinions it can make your head spin.

    One expert will tell you it’s okay to eat fat and another expert says not to eat carbs.

    And yet another one says you need to eat more protein.

    It’s an ordeal trying to figure it all out.

    You blame yourself and to add insult to injury, they tell you that you lack willpower.

    You're not alone

    According to The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, nearly 75% of American men and 60% of women are either overweight or obese.

    The good news is, being overweight does not have to be a life sentence of struggle and disappointment.

    Are you willing to put aside some of the misconceptions and beliefs that actually sabotage your efforts for losing your unwanted weight?

    Will you open your mind to the same ideas that helped me to not only lose 44 pounds but also lowered my cholesterol 75 points without medication?

    The real truth about losing weight

    If you want to lose weight and keep it off…

    • Starving yourself won’t help you
    • Counting points won’t help you
    • A high protein diet won’t help you

    The reason you continue to struggle is because you have been misled and here are the reasons why…

    1) Diets don’t work!

    The diet business is raking in over $60.9 Billion, yet the failure rate for diet programs range from 80% – 99.8%, depending on the target population.
    How many times have you started a diet and blamed yourself because you couldn’t stick with it?

    It’s not your fault.
    Nobody can be expected to stick to an unreasonable diet where you starve and deprive yourself.
    This is not a natural way to eat.
    It’s dumb, unreasonable and unhealthy.
    The problem with “diets” is they are only temporary efforts.
    You treat it as a punishment, with an expiration date.

    One of two things will happen:

    1. You reach your target weight loss, stop the diet and end up going back to the same eating habits that were responsible for their excess weight in the first place.
    2. You give up frustrated because the weight is not coming off like you thought it would.

    If you want long-term results, you need long-term effort that is enjoyable and healthy.
    Stop beating yourself up and start experiencing a lifestyle where you can enjoy tasty and nutritious foods until you are full?
    Look at your food as medicine to nourish your body instead of depriving it.

    2) You don’t eat enough carbs (really?)

    You’ve been told to limit your carbohydrates because they can make you fat and sick.
    When it comes to carbs the key is quality.

    The types of carbohydrates that cause these problems are refined carbs, in the form of sugar and white flour contained in white bread, cereals with high sugar and sodium content and are low in fiber, pastries, crackers and cookies.

    Good carbohydrates such as potatoes, corn, rice, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are proven to reduce unwanted weight and promote optimal health.

    3) You eat too many calorie-dense foods

    Calorie density is a measure of how many calories are in a given weight of food.
    It is the number of calories per pound of certain foods.
    High density food has a large number of calories in a small weight of food.
    Foods that are low-density have much fewer calories in the same weight of food.

    • Vegetables – 100 calories per pound
    • Fruit – 200 calories per pound
    • Potatoes – 318 calories per pound
    • Rib Eye Steak – 1,320 calories per pound
    • ALL Types of Oils – 4,000 calories per pound

    Satiety, (feeling full or satisfied) is based on stretch and nutrient receptors in your stomach.

    When your stomach is filled with food, these receptors send a message to your brain to let you know you are full.
    You can fill your stomach with 1000 calories (high calorie density) or 500 calories (low calorie density).

    More fat equals more calories.

    There are 9 calories in a gram of fat compared to 4 calories per gram of a carbohydrate.

    There are diets that encourage you to eat large amounts of fatty food and you can lose weight pretty rapidly doing this.

    One of the reasons for the quick weight loss at the beginning is because a lot of the weight is water loss and overall reduced calorie intake.

    The majority of studies show that higher fat intake is associated with increased risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

    The Lifestyle Heart Trial headed by Dr Dean Ornish showed a reversal of coronary atherosclerosis, a 91% reduction of angina (chest pain that is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart) and a 24% reduction in total cholesterol.

    Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s study “A strategy to arrest and reverse coronary artery disease: a 5-year longitudinal study of a single physician's practice,” patients with a history of heart disease who remained in the study lowered cholesterol from an average of 246 to below 150, disease progression had been stopped and many had experienced reversal, angina either improved or was eliminated and there were no further cardiovascular events, drugs or procedures.

    The common denominator of these studies is a high carb/low fat diet (10% – 15% of caloric intake).

    4) You don’t eat enough fiber.

    Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans contain fiber.

    A diet of fiber-rich foods make you feel full while eating less calories contributing to weight loss.

    Getting enough fiber in your diet also…

    • Reduces your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    • Reduces the risk of breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer
    • Helps acid reflux
    • Allow regular and easy bowel movements
    • Help absorption of vitamins and minerals into your body
    • If you are like most Americans, you are consuming approximately 16 grams of fiber per day.
    • For optimum health and weight loss you should aim for 45 grams of fiber every day.

    5) You are falling for the marketing tactics of food manufacturers

    When you walk down the grocery aisle you get bombarded with slick packaging and messages that say…
    9 Grams of Protein!
    30% Less Fat!
    Reduced Fat!

    You can’t always believe the front of the package.

    This is marketing to make you think you are getting something healthier than it really is, just to trick you to buy their products!

    In order to find out how healthy the food is, you have to pay attention to the Nutrition Facts Label on the package.

    What you should look for:

    • Calories – Even though we don’t count them, knowing the calorie amount in a food item will help you determine the calorie density when choosing your food.
    • Fat – You are aiming for only 10% – 12% of your calories from fat. If you consume 1800 calories per day, your maximum daily fat intake should be around 24 grams.
    • Fiber – This is one of the most crucial elements of your dietary pattern, Aim for at least 45 grams every day.
    • Cholesterol – Your body makes all the cholesterol you need. Any additional cholesterol is not only unnecessary but harmful.

    6) You give up too soon

    One problem that many people have who try to lose weight is discouragement.

    It can be easy to be discouraged when you are not losing weight fast enough.

    You have a hard time picturing the end-result because it seems so far away and sometimes impossible.

    The best way to overcome this is to focus on the good you feel when you make the right choices.

    For example:

    • How proud you feel when you choose a good, healthy meal.
    • How you don’t feel bloated and exhausted after eating a healthy meal.
    • How good you feel about yourself even after a small weight loss.

    And best of all…

    • …Thinking about what it’s going to be like after you lose all this weight.

    Working so hard to lose weight only to have it come back again sucks
    Now that you know why you’ve always struggled, it’s time to put this knowledge to use.

    Eat more and weigh less by choosing quality carbohydrates and fiber-rich food.
    Eliminate the foods that are sabotaging your efforts.
    Close your eyes and visualize what it will be like when you reach your ideal weight.

    The side-effects of this new lifestyle are experiencing a better self-image, more energy to do things with the people you love and enjoying a greater chance of lifelong health.
    By staying on course, you’ll look better, feel better and be better than ever.

    The roadmap to successful weight loss is within your reach

    You are going to look amazing!

    The post 6 Surprising Reasons Why You Still Can’t Lose Weight appeared first on Change your thoughts.

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