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    12 Romantic Things You Could Easily Do for Your Wife

    Remember when you were first together and you would have done anything to make your wife smile? Surprise flowers 'just because' and heading out on a whim to get her favorite treats used to be a regular occurrence.

    Romance in marriage isn't about seducing your wife into sex or looking after your own personal gain, it's about making her smile and reminding her of your love for her.

    When was the last time you romanced your wife? Don't let displaying your love to your sweetheart become a thing of the past. Here are 12 romantic things you could easily do to impress your wife.

    1. Keep Dating your Wife

    One of the best romantic ideas for your wife is to keep dating her. What does this mean? Exactly what it sounds like: Go on dates!

    Once or twice a month, plan a romantic evening out and act like you did when you were first dating. Open the car door for her, ask 'get-to-know-you' questions, and be a gentleman.

    Not only is this sweet idea completely romantic, it also helps build sexual chemistry, boosts your libido, and affords you and your wife some quality time together away from the hustle and bustle of your regular routine.

    2. Surprise Her with a Gift

    The next time you're coming home from work, why not grab something to surprise your wife with? You can easily pick up some flowers or her favorite chocolates at the corner store before heading home. Some other great ideas for surprise gifts are:

    • Bring home her favorite coffee
    • Wine or champagne
    • Get her something from her online wish-list
    • Bring home dinner so she doesn't have to cook

    3. Write Her a Love Letter

    Make your wife fall deeper in love with you by writing her a love letter. This builds deeper intimacy between the two of you. It's also great for those who have trouble vocalizing their affections.

    Make a list of all the things you love and appreciate about your wife and then, e-mail it to her. You can kick it up a notch by hand-writing the letter and leaving it out for her to read.

    4. Look Out for Exciting Events

    Being romantic doesn't always mean being an ooey-gooey, lovestruck couple. Make your date-night fun and romantic by looking out for exciting events happening near your that you wife might enjoy. Pick a band, artist, play, or any other event your wife has been looking forward to and snag some tickets. She'll be thrilled with the surprise and touched that you thought of her.

    5. Give Her a Massage

    One romantic idea for your wife is to give her a relaxing massage after a long day.

    The next time she's propped her feet up on your lap or is exhausted after a long day, use it as an opportunity to spoil her with relaxation.

    It's always nice to receive a massage in return for your hand's hard work, but don't expect it! The sweetest thing about giving your wife a massage is that you're entirely focusing on her. Your goal is to make sure she feels amazing.

    6. Take Care of Yourself

    Looks aren't everything. Still, everyone wants to be physically attracted to their mate! One way you can bring romance in marriage is by taking care of your appearance. Work out regularly and eat well. Care for any body hair, practice good personal hygiene, and dress to impress when you're taking your sweetheart out.

    7. Make Her Life Easier

    Sometimes the most romantic ideas for your wife are the simplest ones. You can show your wife you really care by doing some simple things that will make her life that much easier. Some great ideas for daily romance include:

    • Offer to take care of the kids so she can go out with her friends
    • Do the dishes
    • Clean up around the house
    • Make her breakfast
    • Pick up some groceries
    • Mow the lawn
    • Fill the car with gas

    8. Take it to the Bedroom

    One fantastic way to include romance in marriage is by spoiling her in the bedroom. Studies show that now only does regular physical intimacy lower stress and increase trust, it also bonds couples closer together through the love hormone "˜oxytocin'.

    Make your sex life romantic. Set the mood with candles and music and let your wife know there's no hurry. Take your time together kissing and building intimacy. Engage in foreplay and have fun!

    9. Take a Weekend Trip

    One great way to build romance with your wife is to plan a surprise getaway! Couples who travel together experience deeper intimacy. It's also exciting to explore a new place together. Romance your wife with a romantic B&B getaway for the weekend.

    10. A Night Designed for Her

    Have fun and show off your romantic side by planning a night that's just meant for your wife. Go to a restaurant she loves and then do an activity she's crazy about such as ice-skating or going to a movie she's been dying to see.

    11. Cook for Her

    Women love to be doted on and they love to eat. Combine these things together and you get a romantic night in for two with food cooked by the love of her life.

    There's nothing more romantic than showing off your culinary skills with a fantastic meal for your lady-love. Set aside one night this week and surprise her with her favorite meal.

    You can make this as simple or as elaborate as you like. It all depends on what you're comfortable with. A three-course meal complete with her favorite dessert surely isn't going to hurt. But odds are she's going to be equally impressed with some simple pasta and garlic bread.

    12. Be Physical

    Many women respond positively to physical touch. Without taking things into the bedroom, physical intimacy can still be a powerful and romantic way to express your love to your wife. Start your romantic journey by holding hands every day, passionately kissing more, and cuddling to your heart's content.

    Being romantic shouldn't mean planning complicated grand gestures. Instead, keep dating your wife, cook for her, give her a massage, or look for ways to make her day easier. By using these romantic ideas for your wife you'll successfully keep the spark alive in your marriage.

    The post 12 Romantic Things You Could Easily Do for Your Wife appeared first on Change your thoughts.

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