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    How to turn on your Aha! Factor before going on a date

    Preparing for a date, especially when you are meeting for the first time, can include a lot of details to consider right? What to wear, where to go, what you feel insecure about, and how things will ultimately turn out, are just a few of the concerns.

    When we are embarking on the adventure of finding a new love interest we have a tendency to feel vulnerable, concerned about being able to control our emotions and wondering how to keep a clear head through it all.

    One great shortcut to support you while you take this exciting first step is to turn on your Intuitive senses, your Aha! Factor, to assist you in making decisions and guiding you along the way so you have a safe and fun time. And of course, if it is not the right person for you, your Aha! Factor will not hesitate to let you know!

    Here are 5 simple steps to turn on your Aha! Factor so it can tune in and provide you with up to the minute guidance every step of the way.

    Take a bath

    If you can, take a hot salt bath prior to going out. Add Epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda and favorite essential oil to the water and take a 20 minute bath. Water is an amplifier of intuitive energy and while you are in the bath you will breathe deeply as you relax. The deep breathing in combination with the water turns up your intuitive senses in a big way, while also clearing any negative doubts and fears away so you have an easier time of receiving accurate messages.

    Choose your outfit with the help of your intuition

    When choosing your clothes, ask your intuitive self the question: "What will showcase my true energy best for this date?" Then get quiet and contemplate your options. Touch each outfit briefly and tune into your body. Do you feel a sense of lightness and ease when you look at the outfit? Or do you feel indifferent, heavy or kind of low energy when you consider it?

    When you take the time to do this, you may be surprised at the feelings you get. Remember your Aha! Factor can feel the energy of your date and you and will assist you in choosing the most flattering outfit for you based on a combination of your energy and theirs!

    Cast a Glamour

    On your way to your date, be sure to visualize surrounding yourself with a beautiful ball of shimmering light. This is called an "energetic glamour." Pick your color wisely.    White is good for protection and then you can mix in a romantic soft rose, iridescent pearlized colors or whatever feels right to you. Be careful with using red as it can attract a high sexual vibration and lead you into a physical connection without the emotional component. In the beginning, especially on a first date, stick with softer colors to create balance and a healthy attraction.

    By envisioning your auric field in a beautiful hue of light you are actually presenting your personal energy to your date and easing any nervous tension.

    And on another note, if you meet and you know that this is not the person for you, you can change the color of your auric field from an alluring color to something more bland and less radiant to shift gears so you can bow out gracefully.

    If you do this well, the other person will naturally back off and the whole thing will go smoothly without that awkward departure that can often be experienced!

    Let Your Aha! Factor Know Your Intention

    Whether we realize it or not, we are always having a two-way conversation with our intuition. You initiate a conversation with your intuition by setting an intention or asking a question. And if you stay focused and tuned in, your intuition will always answer in a variety of ways.

    In this case an easy way to set an intention prior to going on a first date is by taking a quiet moment before things get underway and saying, "Please guide me, protect me, and let me shine. Please let me be able to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, if this person is the one for me. Thank you!"

    Then let it go and enjoy yourself. You will get signals from your intuition like butterflies and light hearted feelings for positive and dull or uneasy for negative. Don't overanalyze too much. Just take notice of how you are feeling and what you are sensing as you go and you can evaluate it later.

    Take Deep Breaths to Check in with your Aha! Factor

    Intuitive information travels on the molecules of oxygen that we inhale and influences each cell. That is how we get that feeling of deep knowing in "every cell of our body."

    So once you set your intention take a few deep breaths. Then as you go through the date and after it is over take a moment to take a breath and check in. You can ask "What do I need to know most right now?" or "Is this person someone I should see again?" Of course you can ask any question you want but those are a good place to start.

    Now enjoy yourself! Your body and your Aha! Factor will let you know if it is a go, or not!

    The post How to turn on your Aha! Factor before going on a date   appeared first on Change your thoughts.

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