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    7 Simple and Effective Techniques to Make Your Morning Enjoyable

    How did you spend your morning? Did you wake up feeling like the walking dead? Or did you rush through your morning so you could get to work on time?

    For most of us, morning is probably the least favorite part of the day. However, we all have about 30,000 mornings in our lifetime so we should try to make our morning as enjoyable as possible.

    Here are 7 simple and effective techniques to make your morning enjoyable.

    Shall we begin?

    Technique #1: Have enough sleep

    Do you know the best way to spoil your morning? Try sleeping for 4 hours and you will have the answer.

    A lack of sleep makes your morning tiresome and irritable, giving you a bad start for the rest of your day. And if you think that's all, you're wrong. A lack of sleep can affect your mood, motivation, judgement and memory for the rest of the day, resulting in poor performance at work.

    When we have a good night's sleep, we feel happier and more energetic. Nothing beats waking up after a full night's rest. It's impossible to imagine a good morning without a good sleep.

    Here's a quick tip to improve your sleep. Reduce the amount of light you're exposed to 15 minutes before you go to bed. Gradually increase it to half an hour or an hour for more effect. And yes, that includes reducing the time spent on your mobile phone.

    Technique #2: Prepare the night before

    Let's do a quick survey right now. Do you prefer to wake up with everything prepared for you or do you wish to wake up and rushing to prepare to work?

    Spending the time to get prepared the night before can save you time and make your morning less stressful. You can take your time to wake up and leisurely prepare yourself for the day, knowing that everything has already been done for you.

    Here are some things you can consider doing. Shower the night before if you hate showering in the morning. Pick your outfit the night before so you don't have to think about what to wear in the morning. Pack your bag the night before so you won't have to do it in the morning. If you have children and have to prepare them for school, consider writing a checklist to make sure you didn't miss anything.

    Technique #3: Ditch your annoying alarm clock

    If you're using the alarm clock with an ear-splitting buzzing sound, it's time to change it. The alarm clock is usually the first thing we hear in the morning. If the sound of the alarm clock is irritating you, change it.

    Why would you want to be irritated the moment you wake up?

    In fact, most of our mobile phones come with an alarm clock application with a pleasant sound to wake us up.

    If you're afraid that the alarm with the pleasant sound won't wake you up, try finding an alarm clock application with a setting that will gradually increase volume until you turn it off. You can also put your alarm clock at a location that will force you to get out of bed and turn it off. A good alternative is to use a radio alarm clock so you can wake up to your favorite station.

    Technique #4: Move!

    A workout in the morning can energize your body and increase your energy level. Studies have shown that exercising can boost your mental and emotional state for the next 12 hours.

    Barack Obama told Men's Health magazine that he works out for 45 minutes a day, six days a week. And no. You don't have to be like Obama to work out for 45 minutes. You also don't have to start your day with an intensive 20-minute workout to energize your body.

    Start small. Take one small step at a time.

    Do some push ups. Do some light stretching. Get used to moving in the morning. After you form the habit of moving in the morning, gradually increase your workout intensity and you will notice the changes in your body and energy.

    Technique #5: Have breakfast

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides energy for your day. Since the scope of the article is not about any health benefits, I will not suggest any diet for you to follow.

    If you're someone who loves to eat and enjoy food, you can prepare a good breakfast to look forward to every morning. Otherwise, it will be good to have the same breakfast every day. Knowing what you're going to eat sets you up for a less hurried morning.

    Technique #6: Do something you enjoy

    If there is one thing I choose to make my morning enjoyable, it will be this. Plan some activities that you enjoy doing in the morning. Simple? It doesn't have to be long. Give yourself 15 to 20 minutes every morning to indulge in something pleasant.

    It could be meditation, watching your favorite drama or reading your favorite book. Or just sit there with your coffee to enjoy the morning peace and quiet. Of course, remember to stop your enjoyable activities after the time is up.

    Remember: Plan something you look forward to every morning.

    Technique #7: Write

    Writing in the morning can make your morning a lot better. Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek finds writing in the morning calming.

    So, what should you write about?

    Anything you want! You can write about your goal for today, what you dreamed of last night or the very things that are stressing you out. If you have no clue about what to write, try these two questions from The Five Minute Journal – 1) What are you grateful for? and 2) What would make today great?

    If you're stressed out, writing down your worries and thoughts can help to reduce some of the stress.

    Let's make our morning enjoyable

    And there you have it. 7 different techniques to make your morning amazing. Let's all start our day with excitement and anticipation. Which techniques are your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.

    The post 7 Simple and Effective Techniques to Make Your Morning Enjoyable appeared first on Change your thoughts.

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